
The One In Christ curriculum has been designed to assist those teaching the faith so that through the Word and Spirit of God, people of all ages will know the one true God.  Children will have the optimal opportunities to grow in their faith and Christian life.  The curriculum uses a research-based content approach to early learning based on leading theorists in the early childhood field such as Vygotsky, Erickson, Piaget, Maslow, and Gardner.


Each of our programs at Open Arms is developmentally appropriate for the specific age group.


One In Christ Early Childhood materials extend the Bible learning into the child’s whole day and into all areas of development.  Children will explore God’s world as they develop math and science skills and thinking processes, express themselves as they develop listening and speaking skills, create art and snack designs and develop their artistic potential, and relate to others and develop inter- and intrapersonal skills, all within the context of a child’s spiritual development.  The curriculum which meets the needs for Infants, Toddler, Preschool, and PreK, extends through all twelve months using themed units that go through the Bible chronologically with weekly Bible stories.

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Infants and Toddlers

One In Christ corresponds with developmentally appropriate standards, that are organized under four main headings – Explore, Express, Relate, and Create.
Themes are organized around the following headings:  Bible words,, To Think About, Listen to Me, Sing with Me, Follow Me, Pray with Me, Play with Me, Plop and Play.

Teachers use twelve Bible flip-storybooks, Zippy the Puppet, and finger puppets to aid in their teaching.

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Early Preschool and Preschool

One In Christ provides an integrated way of connecting a child’s faith throughout the day using age appropriate early learning standards.  The standards are organized under four main headings – Express (language), Create (artistic expression), Explore (science and math), Relate (social activities and physical development).

Teachers use the Story Bible, Zippy the Puppet, and Little Ones Sing Praises CD.
Weekly family letters are sent home to illustrate key concepts of the Bible story.